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  • Character roles for MEAN GIRLS will be for ages 13-18.
  • Production dates for MEAN GIRLS will be April 3-13, 2025
  • Auditions will be held Saturday, February 8, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
  • Please sign up for an audition time by using the button above.
  • The audition will consist of two parts: singing and dance.
  • Plan and prepare to sing one of the songs from the show for your audition. (See song list below.)
  • Class Act will have the accompaniment tracks there for you to sing with.
  • Please plan to stay for a dance audition after you sing your prepared song.
  • Tap shoes are not required for the audition, but if you have tap shoes, please bring them.
  • Rehearsals for MEAN GIRLS will begin Saturday, February 15, 2025.

Please prepare to sing one of these songs from MEAN GIRLS. Class Act will provide the accompaniment tracks.
  • Stupid With Love
  • World Burn
  • What's Wrong With Me
  • Sexy
  • Rather Be Me
  • Stop (Damian's Part)
  • More is Better (Aaron's part)
Cady - a new junior at North Shore High School
Regina - the Queen Bee of the Plastics.
Janis - an "Art Freak" and a social outcast
Damian - outgoing and an active member os the student activities committee
Gretchen - one of the Plastics. Desperate to please Regina
Karen - one of the Plastics
Aaron - a cute boy with a good moral compass and backbone
Mrs. Heron - Cady's mom
Mrs. Norbury - Cady's Calculus teacher
Mrs. George - Regina's "cool" mom
Mr. Duvall - principal of North Shore High School
Kevin - captain of the North Shore Mathletes

Ensemble: Students at North Shore High School