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  • Character roles for NEWSIES will be for ages 9 & older
  • Production dates for NEWSIES will be June 12-22, 2025
  • Auditions will be held Saturday, April 26, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
  • Please sign up for an audition time by using the button above.
  • The audition will consist of two parts: singing and dance.
  • Plan and prepare to sing one of the songs from the show for your audition. (See song list below.)
  • Class Act will have the accompaniment tracks there for you to sing with.
  • Please plan to stay for a dance audition after you sing your prepared song.
  • Rehearsals for NEWSIES will begin Monday, May 5, 2025.
Jack Kelly - the charismatic leader of the Manhattan newsies
Crutchie - a dedicated newsie with a bum leg
Davey - Les's straight-laced bright big brother
Les - Davey's younger brother
Newsies - including Albert, Buttons, Elmer, Finch, Henry, Ike, Jo Jo, Mike, Mush, Race, Romeo, Specs, Splasher & Tommy Boy
Scabs - Three newsies who are hesitant to join the strike
Spot Conlon - proud leader of the Brooklyn newsies
Katherine Plumber - ambitious young reporter, works hard to make a name for herself
Darcy - upper-class kid of a publisher who sides with the newsies
Bill - the son of William Randolph Hearst who joins the newsies' cause
Wiesel - runs the distribution window for the World
Oscar & Morris Delancey - tough brothers who work at the distribution window for the World
Goons - Assist the Delanceys in roughing up the newsies
Joseph Pulitzer - pompous businessman, owns the World, concerned solely with the "bottom line"
Seitz - editor, advises Pulitzer
Bunsen - Pulitzer's bookkeeper comes up the the idea to raise the newsies' price per paper
Hannah - Pulitzer's practical and insightful secretary
Nunzio - Pulitzer's barber
Snyder - crooked and sinister warden of The Refuge
Medda Larkin - inspired by vaudeville performer Aida Overton Walker, offers her theater as a safe haven for the newsies
The Bowery Beauties - female performers ad Medda's Theater
Stage Manager
Nuns - three nuns offer breakfast to the hungry newsies
Mr. Jacobi - allows the newsies to congregate in his restaurant to plan their strike
Policemen Mayor - the mayor of New York City
Governor Teddy Roosevelt - Governor of New York